HTTP MethodPOST API URLhttps://globalfollows.com/api/v2 API Key My account Response formatJSON
Service list ParametersDescription
keyYour API key actionservices
Example response
        "service": 1,
        "name": "Followers",
        "type": "Default",
        "category": "First Category",
        "rate": "0.90",
        "min": "50",
        "max": "10000",
        "refill": true,
        "cancel": true
        "service": 2,
        "name": "Comments",
        "type": "Custom Comments",
        "category": "Second Category",
        "rate": "8",
        "min": "10",
        "max": "1500",
        "refill": false,
        "cancel": true
Add order

ParametersDescription key Your API key action add service Service ID link Link to page quantity Needed quantity runs (optional) Runs to deliver interval (optional) Interval in minutes
ParametersDescription key Your API key action add service Service ID link Link to page
ParametersDescription key Your API key action add service Service ID link Link to page comments Comments list separated by \r\n or \n
ParametersDescription key Your API key action add service Service ID link Link to page comments Comments list separated by \r\n or \n
ParametersDescription key Your API key action add service Service ID link Link to page quantity Needed quantity answer_number Answer number of the poll
ParametersDescription key Your API key action add service Service ID link Link to page quantity Needed quantity groups Groups list separated by \r\n or \n
Example response
    "order": 23501
Order status ParametersDescription
keyYour API key actionstatus orderOrder ID
Example response
    "charge": "0.27819",
    "start_count": "3572",
    "status": "Partial",
    "remains": "157",
    "currency": "USD"
Multiple orders status ParametersDescription
keyYour API key actionstatus ordersOrder IDs (separated by a comma, up to 100 IDs)
Example response
    "1": {
        "charge": "0.27819",
        "start_count": "3572",
        "status": "Partial",
        "remains": "157",
        "currency": "USD"
    "10": {
        "error": "Incorrect order ID"
    "100": {
        "charge": "1.44219",
        "start_count": "234",
        "status": "In progress",
        "remains": "10",
        "currency": "USD"
Create refill ParametersDescription
keyYour API key actionrefill orderOrder ID
Example response
    "refill": "1"
Create multiple refill ParametersDescription
keyYour API key actionrefill ordersOrder IDs (separated by a comma, up to 100 IDs)
Example response
        "order": 1,
        "refill": 1
        "order": 2,
        "refill": 2
        "order": 3,
        "refill": {
            "error": "Incorrect order ID"
Get refill status ParametersDescription
keyYour API key actionrefill_status refillRefill ID
Example response
    "status": "Completed"
Get multiple refill status ParametersDescription
keyYour API key actionrefill_status refillsRefill IDs (separated by a comma, up to 100 IDs)
Example response
        "refill": 1,
        "status": "Completed"
        "refill": 2,
        "status": "Rejected"
        "refill": 3,
        "status": {
            "error": "Refill not found"
Create cancel ParametersDescription
keyYour API key actioncancel ordersOrder IDs (separated by a comma, up to 100 IDs)
Example response
        "order": 9,
        "cancel": {
            "error": "Incorrect order ID"
        "order": 2,
        "cancel": 1
User balance ParametersDescription
keyYour API key actionbalance
Example response
    "balance": "100.84292",
    "currency": "USD"
Example of PHP code